Getting The Most From Your Session

A bit of planning and preparation will help you get the most from your newborn portrait session. Here are a few tips that will help make your session a success.

A Full, Sleepy Baby For Squishy Poses

Those adorable newborn poses you love are easiest when your baby is full and sleepy. Keeping your baby active and awake with a bit of extended play time on the morning leading up to your session, plus a feeding before your session start time, helps gently lull your baby into a nice deep sleep. During the session, I also keep the studio very warm to make baby comfortable and sleepy.

Dress Your Baby Loosely

Loose diapers, a loose fitting wrap, or a loose, easily removed sleepsuit are ideal clothing choices. Loose-fitting clothing should eliminate red marks on baby’s skin, and is less distracting for baby when changed for your session.

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