About Me

Hello, I’m Alina. I’m a mom of two children with a passion for capturing life’s most treasured moments. I learned while watching my own children grow up, that time is brief. Days pass quickly, and months pass us even faster. My mission is to capture all of these sweet milestones so that you can cherish them for years to come. I can’t wait to grow close to your

family and capture these memories in their first big year!

The Perks Of A Milestone Package

Don’t just stop at newborn photography! The first year of your baby’s life changes in a blink of an eye. The sweet baby coos will form into small words, and them sleeping throughout the day will soon turn into them crawling around your house. You see them each day, but may not notice the subtle changes to your baby’s appearance and achievements.

My grow-with-me sessions capture each of these adorable little stages of your developing baby. I will capture the beauty and tiny little details of your baby's first days. At six-nine months, I will capture them sitting unassisted and all of the giggles that come along with it. At last, celebrate their first birthday with a cake smash session! Babies are so silly when they start moving around more or learn to walk! Don’t miss out on these special, warm moments. You will love looking back on these images and comparing your baby’s growth between the photos! I currently offer different payment plans for the milestone packages. Please contact me via email at info@tinyangelsphotography.co.uk to set something up!

Milestone Intro:

Milestone packages offer you the unique opportunity to capture your baby at each stage of his/her rapid growth in the first year. You’ll cherish these pictures as your little bundle of joy grows up. At each stage, I'll capture the precious looks, the adorable expressions, and the supreme of cuteness your child in perfect photographs for your wall.

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